Atkins Diet Beginners’ Crash Course: Your Quick Start Plan for Simple, Fast, Effective Weight Loss and Better Health – Includes meal plan and recipes!

Tired of calorie counting? And are you tired of constantly fighting yourself, starving yourself, denying yourself? There is a better way of getting rid of that unsightly belly fat - easily, simply, and without starving yourself. In his latest work, established author Robert M. Fleischer easily kills the myths surrounding the Atkins diet in general, and abdominal fat in particular. The Atkins diet is based on proven age-old medical science, and completely safe and effective when used correctly. This simple guide will show you exactly what to do and what not to do to easily and almost effortlessly achieve lifelong results. Sounds too good to be true? Well, that’s ok. By the time you’re done reading this book you’ll realise that it is indeed very simple to get the results you’re after – all you need is the right information. Read this guide to discover: How to break through the weight loss "ceiling" Why you can eat a big breakfast, and still end up hungry after two hours – and what you can do to forever put an end to this How to train the body to burn fat instead of carbs Why belly fat is THE most dangerous type of fat on the body, and how it can kill you – yes, kill you The link between stress and belly fat The link between Type 2 diabetes and abdominal fat The inner game of losing belly fat What went wrong with the "first" Atkins diet, and how to easily avoid this mistake The 21-day plan to becoming a fat burning machine Think back to the last time you felt good about your weight. What did that feel like? What did that look like? You can absolutely have that again. There’s no need to struggle anymore, and there’s no need to starve while losing weight. Simply follow the guidelines in "Atkins Diet Beginners' Crash Course" and watch how your waistline shrinks. Now including SPECIAL BONUS eBOOK! : Healthy Chemistry for Optimal Health  This is an exclusive publisher bonus available for our readers only, in this report you'll discover: The Chemistry of The Blood The Relationship Between The Biology And The Chemistry of The Blood Dangerous Chemicals To The Body Good Chemicals To The Body 10 Reasons Why You Should Avoid The Bad Chemicals And so MUCH MORE! Grab a copy NOW!

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