Love Your Workout Hypnosis / Guided Imagery CD – Love to Exercise! Get Motivated!

Powerful guided imagery and hypnosis CD with soothing music and nature sounds walks you through an uplifting, motivating experience. Two stereo audio tracks with male and female Certified Hypnotherapists voices interchange to actively engage your subconscious to energize your mind and body. Partnered with NLP (NeuroLinguistic Programming), you will be able to mentally envision yourself to increase your desire to get moving, get healthy and make getting fit a part of your daily life. Simply listen while relaxing or sleeping and your metabolism will begin to change. You will be able to envision your body mentally, and shape and sculpt it subconsciously while having the motivation you need to get up and get moving! Allow this powerful audio program to work for you. Visualizing your new body and mentally changing your lifestyle and ideas about exercise and working out will bring about the permanent changes in your life. The Guided Imagery and psychoacoustics on this recording are incredibly effective. Compare it to anything you may have heard or used in the past and you will find this CD program to be one of the most powerful and well produced CDs you have ever heard! This program assists you in changing your thoughts about exercise and a healthy lifestyle. You can reprogram your subconscious to change unhealthy eating and exercise routines. You subconsciously have negative association about exercise. Now, use the power of your mind to become motivated to move! Undo the negative patterns and reprogram your subconscious mind. The extra pounds will begin to disappear. Your life will change! The hypnosis track is powerful and designed to bring about safe, healthy and permanent changes in your life. Proper production, recording, scripting, and duplication are vital in creating such a powerful product. Use only the BEST! Trust Mind Design technology and expertise.

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