Do you love to eat? If you are a foodie, like me, you will absolutely hate the idea of counting your calories while eating. The constant watching of calories can really take the fun out of eating. If you are someone that keeps track of the current cooking trends, you will know what the South Beach diet is. It’s covered in almost every restaurant menu, magazine, newspaper and even TV show. The South Beach diet encourages cooking of a variety of ingredients in a healthy fashion. I promise you that this is not just another low-carb diet. The South Beach program does not fall under the low-carb or low-fat category. In fact, you can enjoy most foods without having to give up on them completely. This book focuses on almost all aspects of this trendy diet, including the recipes. We wanted to come up with a South Beach diet cookbook which will offer our readers a comprehensive list of recipes. You never want to run out of recipes when on a diet plan. In this guide, we are providing you a plethora of South Beach diet recipes including the South Beach diet food list. We assure you that this 3-phase diet will not only give you the desired weight loss results but it will be fun too. Unlike most other diets that put a lot of restrictions on what you eat, this diet gives you the complete freedom to choose you own carbohydrates and fats. This diet aims at promoting a healthy lifestyle, which will reap permanent benefits to the dieters who use it. So let's go - Buy this book now and start living a healthy and happy lifestyle!